Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Brief Overview Of Adolescent Pregnancy Issues Essay

Provide a brief overview of adolescent pregnancy issues. Although there is the reported statistical decline, adolescent pregnancy still remains an issue in both developed and developing regions of the world in the twenty-first century. However, what seems to be lacking is the overview of adolescent pregnancy issue rather than looking for solutions to prevent such a concept. Therefore, the objective of this assignment will look at the key behavioral, cultural, and environmental risk factors. Certain risk factors include: ï‚ § Ethnic differences ï‚ § Social Deprivation ï‚ § Age at marriage ï‚ § Sexual behavior, contraceptive use and unplanned pregnancy ï‚ § Unsafe abortion ï‚ § Physical abuse ï‚ § Risk behavior ï‚ § Education and urbanization The key risk factors will be analyzed mainly from a source by the World Health Organization, through the different authors, psychologists, and researchers noted, that will be cited and referenced throughout the assignments. The citations will be provided in in-text parenthetical citations a separate ‘Works Cited’ page. Additionally, the illustrations are provided by United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects through World Bank (cited and referenced). Now without further ado, will transition to the analytical aspects of the assignment†¦ Explain the key behavioral, cultural, and environmental risk factors. As mentioned previously, the key risk factors include: ï‚ § Ethnic differences ï‚ § Social Deprivation ï‚ § Age at marriage ï‚ § Sexual behavior,Show MoreRelatedHealth And Human Prevention Strategy I Chose Is The National Drug Control Strategy932 Words   |  4 PagesControl Strategy. Drug abuse affects the whole nation economically, socially physically and mentally. Some of the problems caused by drug abuse includes highway accidents, crimes, school drop outs, sexually transmitted diseases, suicide, and teenage pregnancies (Healthy People 2020 n.d). 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